Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Who could be thankful for anything else when they're on vacation? I'm grateful I'm here and enjoying doing....well, nothing! And I'm also glad I made it in one piece. My trip started out on a bleak note with me losing a five-dollar bill and me freaking out because I wouldn't have any cash for the bridge toll. But I stole some money from my dad's money jar (shhhhh! Don't tell) and thought I had enough. Then I got lost trying to find a rest stop in Jersey. I really hate Jersey. NOTE TO SELF: Next time you're traveling, just wait until you're out of Jersey before you stop. For ANY reason). Then, as it turns out, I DIDN'T have enough for the toll, so I waited patiently for the guy to give me a form to send in (errrrggghhH!!!!!) while I could hear the death threats in the minds of the people in cars behind me. Once I hit the last leg of the road, I thought everything was fine. But that road ended up being VERY clogged with traffic. Yeah, I'm glad I made it. And glad I won't be doing it again until sunday.


aprilhoyt said...

where'd you get to go?? I thought the tolls were a little interesting when we were out east. a little intimidating at first! Vacations are nice!!! Enjoy yours!