Sunday, January 18, 2009

Let The Birthday Festivities Begin!

My sweet friend Jenn threw me a little birthday party this weekend and I thought it was so stinkin' cute that I had to post pictures. I haven't had a bonafide party for my birthday for a while so it was a lot of fun. She gave me two more Crash Bandicoot games and we ate the most delicious cake while we watched "My Big Fat Greek Wedding". Thanks SO SO very much, Jenn!

Me and the host, Jenn

"The Girls"

Whew...worried I wasn't going to get them all out.

A little abstract and fuzzy of me, but a great shot of the cake.

How old?

Me and Daddy


aprilhoyt said...

Hey! I don't know for sure when your birthday was, but I hope it was the best!!! what a nice friend to throw you a party! cute cake!

Ginny said...

Happy Birthday. 28 is the perfect age (in my opinion). Old enough to be wise young enough to still be young!

William and Marianne said...

happy bday!!!!!