Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Just call me a critic

Anyone who knows me well (and then maybe some people who don't) knows that I have the heart of an amateur critic. I'll admit, I haven't had any training and my views are probably biased, slanted, and skewed. But I will be flexing my critic muscles tonight because I don't feel the reviews (or at least reputation) has been completely fair.
But I get ahead of myself. Let me start off by explaining that I went to Connecticut last week to spend time with "the MaMa" and have a little downtime. I don't regret having such a hectic schedule, but it demands some serious time off (when I'm able). I figured that since it was my birthday, and since my trip up to New York for New Year's Eve didn't pan out, I'd take the oppurtunity. I drove up on my actual birthday. I already blogged about what a choice experience that was, so I'll spare the rest of the ugly details. *Sigh* Traveling in the east is just not the same as traveling in the west. The next day, I woke up when I darn well felt like it, and spent the day with mom, getting errands done and basically not having any responsibilites of my own. Such a wonderful feeling. We went out to eat at Chili's and went to bed, again, when we darn well felt like it. The next morning, more errands with mom (details of managing one's life are so annoying when one is trying to have fun) and finally, after lunch in her lovely city of New Haven, we went shopping. This photo is titled "Uh Oh, They're At It Again".

The next morning, we lounged around and got ready to head into the city, and as anyone knows, for women, this takes longer than one expects. We got into NY later than we had hoped and raced through the streets to find the right subway. We did manage to take some fun photos along the way:
Mama right outside Grand Central.

I'm in this one, you just have to look closely.

Ahhhh, the Empire State Building at sunset....

Not having enough time to get to the museum we wanted to get to in time to see anything before it closed, we headed to the Museum of Natural History. It's kind of been a dormant desire for a while to visit this famous museum, so, even though we didn't get to the original one we wanted, I thoroughly enjoyed it!
He's going to start running around any minute now...don't you know everything in this museum comes to life at night?
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My Buddy Rexie over my shoulder there-don't worry, he doesn't bite.

I like this one that mom took- none from my camera turned out all that well.

This picture cracks me up. I'm not sure what I was looking at, but clearly I was catching flies.

"Nice Mammoth..."

We then had dinner in Greenwich Village.
I'm...too sexy for this restaurant....

Now here's where the critisism comes in. We went to see the play Equus with Daniel Radcliffe. Most of you know him as Harry Potter. Most of you also know that this is the play where little Harry Potter appears naked. Well, after having seen this play, I'll say that it's unfortunate that such an amazing play with such amazing actors is known simply for this fact. The play itself was simply done. The set consisted of nothing more than four boxes and six doors that represented stalls in a barn. It focused on a very interesting story of a young man who blinded six horses and was brought in for psychiatric evaluation. The therapist (played by the same man who portrays Harry Potter's evil uncle Vernon) tells the story of a troubled boy and his mental illness, along with his own self-evaluation. From the very beginning, I was intrigued and swept up into this story. It had many memorable quotes and thought-provoking monologues and I fully expect to see many Tony's in this play's future. The only negative critisism I can give is the mother in the story was a bit melodramatic. Other than that, flawlessly done.
So if you're in New York and looking for a show to see, I would highly recommend this one. And if a little nudity bothers you, well, hold up your playbill so you only see his face.
Here's us getting out of the play.

When I got home the next night, Daddy and Tracy had decorated my apartment for me to have something fun.


William and Marianne said...

i was waiting for this post! cute and fun! empire state building is awesome! im sure dev will appreciate you put that pic up.. with food in his mouth! hehe =) love ya all!

aprilhoyt said...

That sounds like so much fun!! It would be nice to live in a bigger city, where there is shopping and plays!! That is sad that the only thing we do hear about that play is the one fact that someone appears naked in it...kinda feel bad for the writer for that fact. Sounds intriguing though!! Someday I'll get to NYC!!