Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ah, Thankful Thursday again!

Well, as opposed to last thursday, this thursday I have so much gratefulness that I want to make a list to fit it all in. Some of you may be wondering at the difference in attitude? Well, for one thing, it's sunny outside, and that's enough to make me grateful!

So, here goes my thankful list:

*Sandpaper kisses. They let me know I'm loved and appreciated by a little fuzzy friend that keeps me warm at night. (Get your head out of the gutter, I was talking about my cat!)

*Fun road trips-whether scheduled or not. My picture box is full of memories that no amount of money could buy.

*Sunny days! Even the really cold ones (like today). There's nothing like a golden sun to warm your heart!

*Money. And before you think "???!!!" let me explain. I still loathe and despise money with all the tenderness of a miserable shrivled heart. However, I'm so grateful for the lessons money has taught me (and is STILL teaching me. It's a process, not a place). Just about every lesson in my adult life that I've learned has been because of money. Lessons on self control, managing one's own life, gratitude, determination...I could go on. I'm sure any adult over the age of 18 can relate to this. I'm also incredibly grateful that I'm able to work for and control my money on my own. I'm mindful of the fact that there are many women in the world who don't have this freedom.

*Family at holidays. Does this item even need to be explained? Well, as an example, last weekend, my family got together for the superbowl (Okay, that wasn't a holiday, but you get the idea) and we cheered and screamed and played Crash Bandicoot on a small portable tv and ate yummy food and it was wonderful.

*Friends who aren't afraid to tell you "No, Heather, those jeans do not do anything for your butt".

*Good books. Currently reading "Brisingr" by Christopher Paolini. It's the third in his Inheritance series and so far, pretty good!

*Quiet moments reading the scriptures in bed with the heater at my feet. Yes, I've fine-tuned this skill because I like my tootsies warm.

*Scrapbooking memories. It lets me be artistic with no real training (or talent for that matter :)

*TV shows where I'm all caught up in the story. They come on at night so it gives you something to look forward to the whole day. Which just makes me happy.

*Skiing in fresh powder. I can't do it here in the east, but that doesn't mean that I don't think about it when we get a fresh blanket of fluffy snow. *sigh*

*My computer. Staying connected and being creative all in a machine the size of a book. Amazing.

Anyway, I think I'll end my list here and save some for next thursday. I hope everyone has found a reason to be thankful today!


William and Marianne said...

**Scrapbooking.. I hear ya!
** TV shows... speaking of which.. have you heard of the new show Lie To Me? ITs cool!

LadyEm said...

No, no, let there be no mistake about it, you were correct when you said the Super Bowl is a holiday! It is in our family!!!

aprilhoyt said...

That's a nice list!! I should do thankful's nice to take a minute and look at the good in life!!! I LOVE sunshine! I miss it when it's winter!