Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thankful Thursday

This is a very thankful thursday, and I've debated how I should put it. I'm going to start off like this: I'm grateful for the internet. It is such an amazing resource of information! Sometimes I take for granted that I can look up just about anything on the internet, but then I remember a time when I heard a song on tv or playing in the car next to me or in a movie and it would bug me for months and months (sometimes even years, as was the case with "Return to Innocence" by Enigma). But the thing that I'm most grateful about the internet for is it's friendship networking. I've found people on here that I was absolutely positive I'd never see or hear from again short of sending out a private investigator. Because I've lived in so many places in my life, it's extremely difficult to keep track of everyone, but thanks to myspace and facebook, I can see all my loved ones and keep them in touch with my life as well. I'm also grateful for the people I meet on the internet. Such was the case on Sunday. I'm going to be coy and stop there because I don't want to jinx anything, but sufficeth to say, he's someone I'm very happy to have met. Thank goodness for the information age!


LadyEm said...

TOUCHE! The internet is pretty sweet. :)

William and Marianne said...


aprilhoyt said...

I completely agree!! You are one of those people that I thought I'd never see/hear from again...I'm SO glad for the networking forums on the internet!! Thanks for your input on my blog the other day too! It was very much appreciated!

Rachel said...

I love your thankful Thursday blogs! I am grateful for the internet too!!!