Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thankful Thursday

I'm sitting here at Carol's computer (because I accidently left mine at Dev's when I was up there last weekend) and I'm thinking, "Hmmmm, what am I thankful for today? I mean, REALLY thankful for? Well, what am I thankful for that I haven't discussed already in Thankful Thursday." It's spring and I look around me and how could I NOT be thankful just for what I see? There's gorgeous trees blooming in bright pinks and purples (yes, for those of you who live out west, there is such a thing as blooming trees and they're just the most beautiful color). I could be generic and say that I'm grateful for this earth that we live on and how miraculous it is, but somehow, I feel like that just goes without say. I'm extremely grateful for family and friends even when I feel like I'd rather not be bothered, they draw me out of myself and make me a better person. I'm also thankful for those silent and alone moments where I can sit and read a book for hours on end (like I did these past couple of days- as a sidenote, the book I was reading, City of Bones by Cassandra Clare, was very interesting) or I can go out for a walk with my neighbor and friend Luther (Don't get any ideas, he's a dog. I'm not dating a neighbor. Unfortunately). All of this makes for a very delightful Thursday which isn't all that exciting, but certainly something to be thankful for. Oh, and PS-Gray's Anatomy is on and gossip on the inside is someone's getting married soon....this is the stuff I look forward to.


aprilhoyt said...

LOL! I love it! I finally know what you mean about blooming trees (although they're probably still not close to the east, UT is a LOT greener than AZ!). It sounds like you are surrounded by good people!
And I always look forward to Thursdays!! So I can read these!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the uplifting post. It's nice to remember what we are thankful for, isn't it?

NanaLinda said...

Dear Heather,
Whether anyone else in the DamFam reads your blog, I hereby vow that I will renew my . .. . um. . . .slothfulness? I mean my on my honor, to read your LOVELY posts more often. People who don't are clearly missing out. Heck, I sometimes find out things about myself that I didn't even know! for instance. ~!Mom

NanaLinda said...

April, You are great for keeping up with Heather's blog. Thank you for being such a good friend.