Friday, April 10, 2009

Thankful Thursday (on a Friday)

Today I'm thankful for spring!!!! The beautiful flowers, the smells in the air, the feel on sunshine, the walks without bundling up, the sense of renewal and things happening outdoors.... We've had what felt like a forever winter and with warmer temps and more time out in the fresh air...AHHHH! Yes, I am indeed thankful. I took these a few weeks ago-the first signs of spring-

I had to throw one in there that I took of Luther, my faithful running buddy. I'm so thankful for him too!
Oh, and I'm also thankful for Zicam, without which, I might be suffering a much worse cold than I already am. Yes, Carol passed along her little buggies.
Happy Easter everyone!!!!


aprilhoyt said...

I love spring too! I think I've decided it's my favorite season...the new growth and warmth...ahhh..I love spring!!