Thursday, April 2, 2009

It's not that I wasn't Thankful last week.....

....I've just been running on manic mode for a week now and I'm about ready to plop into bed and never get out.
Anyway, my thankful thursday is going to start off by irritations and things that bother me.
*I'm irritated with the fact that I pulled not one, not two, but THREE gray hairs out today. I mean, seriously people, I'm only 28! I didn't think the madness started this early. But, I am thankful that I have a head of hair and that at least I'm not going bald. That is, unless I keep plucking the offending-colored ones.

*I WAS irritated with my computer because I couldn't get my Norton Antivirus to update. But I AM thankful that I have Norton so that my computer doesn't crash the minute I turn it on. (By the way, I got it to work once I got a better internet signal-thank goodness no virus)

*I'm irritated with my constantly hurting stomach. It's always grumbling and hurting and no doctor can seem to get to the bottom of it. But I'm grateful I have a stomach that works and doesn't cause me more trouble than it already does.

*I'm irritated that my car smells like milk because I took milk to work the other day and some of it must have spilled. But I'm utterly thankful that I have the car in the first place. And it's nothing a little soap and water won't fix...when I get a minute.

*I'm irritated that I'm working so freaking much and have no time to even clean my house. But I AM grateful that soon, I'll be financially on my feet.

*I'm irritated that I have crushed cocoa puffs on my floor at home (see above about no time to clean up-apparently a cereal box had upended and I didn't notice it until I went to leave this morning and heard "Crunch!") but I'm thankful I have SOME form of food at my house. And the grocery store of Daddy is always open.

*I'm irritated with the fatigue working out brings me, but I'm grateful that it's making me healthier!

So how's that for looking on the positive side? There's no such thing as a perfect day, in fact, there's PLENTY of not perfect days, but you can always make it brighter. Apparently.


LadyEm said...

Way to look on the bright side. Hope you get some good rest so that your battery recharges!

William and Marianne said...

Well said! =)

aprilhoyt said...

you do look on the bright side of things!! I love reading your posts!! and I TOTALLY know what you mean about the gray hairs so soon...I thought I had years before they started coming in!