Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thankful Thursday

This week, I've decided to do something a little different. And I wish that I could say that I came up with the idea all on my own, but I kind of stole it from a magazine. But the result is the same, so who really cares? I decided that it would be fun to show what some of my favorite things are around my house. My apartment is my little haven, and in it, collections of things that make me happy. Here are some ones that really strike a cord:
This is a painting done by my great grandmother, who is ninety-seven and although she has Alzheimer's, she's still dancing. Back in the day, Nana was a fantastic artist. I think this piece speaks for itself.

These little friends are all from Build-A-Bear. Hello, my name is Heather, and I'm an addict. The great thing about these guys is that each of them holds a story and a memory for me. I make them when I go to Phoenix with my niece and nephew. A few of them even have a recording inside them of their voices (which I press from time to time when I'm really missing them).

This is my favorite book. I try to read it every couple of years just to make sure Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy still end up together.

This little froggie is a coin bank from my mom, which she bought for me when she was traveling. It makes me happy just to look at it. I try and stash all my coins in here and then when she comes to visit, we cash in the money and go see a movie.

My favorite family photo.

These movies I could watch every night as I go to sleep and never get sick of them. They are classics that don't get old. At least, not to me.

So that's my version of "Whiskers on Kittens" and "Warm wollen mittens". Just a few mind you.


aprilhoyt said...

Oh..that was fun! And all those movies are the best!! I've never done build a bear...maybe I should take my kids sometime before they get too old! thanks for sharing pieces of Heather!

Ginny said...

Here is where I got Bella:
Breeder - Steve Stoltzfus
Phone Number - (717) 768-7981
Location - Gordonville, PA

He is Amish but I found him through a group that screens for puppy mills because I did not want a puppy mill puppy.

The VT Twilight cartoon is funny!

William and Marianne said...

that was fun. in a post i will put a video of nana i took =) look for that! =)