Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Cute Hites (y'know, the ones from Arizona)

I got some great pictures from Monique a couple of weeks ago and I've been wanting to post them ever since, so here they are. I photoshopped the one above because I thought it was just such a cute picture of a little girl on her second birthday! I'm going out to see the munchkins in two weeks and four days (shall I give you the hours as well?) Needless to say, I can't wait! The picture of Nicolette with her new dolly is special-Rees picked it out for her without any help. He's the sweetest older brother ever, and she adores him. Here's a few I wanted to share:


William and Marianne said...

So weird that Ryan has a daughter that we've never met =(

aprilhoyt said...

how cute!! and how fun that you get to visit them!! if i was close I'd say stop by and say hello, but I'm not in AZ anymore :(
but have fun!!! :D

Rachel said...

Awe! They are adorable! Have fun in Arizona!

Jill * Zane said...

How stinkin cute!! Anji said you will be staying with her - did you know we are neighbors? Coolio, maybe I'll get to see miss Hite while she's out here! :)