Sunday, September 21, 2008


You'd think I'd catch the hint when I stepped out my door at 6:30 this morning and dropped my red-dyed drink all over myself and my front porch: this is not going to be a good day. I went on my naive way, thinking it was just a little hitch in an otherwise fun-planned day. My client and I had plans to go see the Lion King in New York (really excited to see this show, by the way. I've heard very good things) and so we met up with everyone that was going on the bus trip at our workplace. The busdriver was late-another bad sign. Then he tried to get the lift in functioning order. Every time we'd get one piece of it up and running, the next thing would break down. So, after about an hour of dinking around, we were told that another bus (from an hour away) was on it's way. Frustrated and freezing, we went in to the office to have a bite to eat. They finally said that the new bus was almost here. It wasn't. It was a mechanic instead. After HE dinked around with it for another hour, the lady from our workplace that was coordinating the trip came in and told us that they were going to take off and that another bus would be here in an hour. They had JUST BARELY dispatched the second bus. If we waited for this bus, we would have missed our show. It was so completely bungled that we ended up calling it a day and going home. Through my client's tears, my heart broke. She and one other person with a disability (they are both in wheelchairs) were left behind. I don't understand how this happens in our country in 2008, but happen it did. I had to promise her that I would go up with her either next week or the week after, but that doesn't solve the fact that she's going to have to fight the bus company to get her money back. Let me clarify- EVERYTHING that a person with disabilities does is a fight. Nothing comes easily. I've seen it first hand. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it first hand. So after I went home, I was running errands, got impatient, and passed someone who was turning left, inadvertently hitting a curb and blowing out my tire. Like I said- BAD DAY. Is it almost over??


William and Marianne said...

oh you poor thing! its like .. if one thing happens... something else will happen. sad. sorry =(

aprilhoyt said...

awww, that stinks :( I hope today is better! That is so sad and really too bad.

LadyEm said...

My condolences...hope tomorrow is better!! :)

Melissa said...

The only thing that helps me through situations like that is the thought that perhaps a higher power was at work. There could be a very good reason that just isn't apparent right now why this situation happened.

There are lots of things that I see that I'm surprised are going on in 2008.

~Here's to better days~

Rachel Rogers said...

Heather, I hate days like that.