Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Got Tagged AGAIN~ this time by Rachel.

How To Play This Game of Tag:Post these rules on your blog.List: 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 random surprising facts about yourself.Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog!

Okay, so here goes!
1. My first joy would be my apartment. I love the freedom it gives me to live how I want and do all I want and to know that it's all through my own efforts that I have it. No one complains if the dishes aren't done or if the floor isn't mopped. By the same token, I don't have to look after anyone or answer to anyone but myself. There's a lot of freedom in living alone!
2. My second joy is my job. I love the relationships that I'm able to build through the people I meet in my profession. And I love the flexibility.
3. Traveling is another great joy that I have. The world is a beautiful place with a lot of interesting people and places. I just wish I had more money to see it all.

1. Losing a loved one. I don't think that one needs any explaination.
2. Deep water. One time I went kayaking over this lake while I was a camp instructor and I realized that I was over 80 feet of water and I totally freaked out. I had to come back to shore. Even though I was wearing a life vest, I had to leave.
3. Being attacked in my own home. Because I live alone, I don't think this one needs any explaination either.

1. To visit Paris. The only reason I haven't started saving money for this is because I'm not going without my mom and she can't save enough money for it right now. But soon. Very very soon!
2. To be debt-free. Would there be anything more fabulous? No, I don't think so.
3. To keep up on the Wii Fit. I should do it everyday, but it's sometimes hard to remember.

1. Stephenie Meyer's "Twilight" books. Read them. You'll love them.
2. James McAvoy. The man is yummilicious. (I just made that word up.)
3. Flip Flops. I absolutely love these shoes in the summertime. They look so cute on (MUCH better than crocs) and they don't hurt my feet like most shoes do. Bring on the sand and hot weather- I'm ready!

1. I've never been to the Grand Canyon. But I used to drive past it every other weekend.
2. I can tie a cherry stem with my tounge. Now you're curious, aren't you?
3. I've written many stories but none of them have ever been published. Just keep waiting, someday, they will be. Maybe that one should've gone under "goals"......

Okay, I'm tagging these five people:
Amanda B-
Rachel B
Well, maybe just four......