Monday, February 4, 2008

The Adventures of Zeus the Amazing.

This weekend has been one of great adventure for Zeus the Amazing Honda. Zeus was a little worried about the morning as it started off icy. He watched with trepidation as the sleet came down and quickly froze to his windshield and bumper. But like all good cars, he was confident that his mistress, Heather, would take great care-she had always done so in the past. And so it was with caution but certainty that they would be fine, they set out on that Friday morning, reaching their destination without incident. It began to warm up, and the sleet soon turned to rain, so Zeus' anxiety lessened by the minute. When Heather was finished with her job that morning, they both began the half-hour journey back into the city. It had never occured to Zeus to begin being fretful again because Heather hadn't turned on her music on her ipod (which, quite frankly, Zeus found obnoxious). But as she approached the city, the traffic increased. Zeus sent a mental flag to his owner that she might be going just a tad bit too fast, but on pondering what a horrible thing an accident would be, she quickly put those ugly thoughts out of her head. When the cars in front of him suddenly jerked to a stop, Zeus tried valliantly to stop, but alas, the roads were still slippery from the morning's sleet! Poor Zeus could only close his eyes and flinch as his nose scraped under the big evil black SUV. His mistress, after uttering words that shamed him, got out of the hurt Zeus and talked with the mistress of the evil black SUV. Heather, having no other choice, took Zeus to work. Upon leaving the damaged little car, his mistress, being distracted, left Zeus' headlights on! "Oh no! Wait! Heather!" he cried, but she did not hear him. Zeus could do nothing but tiredly spend the last bit of energy and then slowly die. Later that evening, Heather came out to Zeus to discover the dead car in the parking lot. "Oh my! What have I done to my poor Zeus?" she lamented. Is this the end of the realationship of Zeus the Amazing and Heather, his thoughtless mistress? No, not so! The next day, after being obliged to leave him where he was, his mistress returned with reinforcements (and the power to resurrect her dead car)! And after spending the day at the doctor's, Zeus has a new battery. He, sadly, still bears scars from his recent adventures, but is more amazing than ever!