Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Fall Lineup

Okay, I know it's a little silly to get excited about fall because of tv shows, but that's just how I am-looking forward to a show makes my whole day better. So since it's premiere week next week and all of my lovely shows are coming back on, I thought I'd share with you which shows I'll be watching.
Monday night: House
Tuesday night: NCIS and for some inexplicable reason, Sons of Anarchy. (I think I just really find Charlie Hunham hot)
Wednesday night remains unfilled at the moment. Suggestions anyone?
Thursday night is rough because there's so many! My top two are Bones and Grey's Anatomy followed by Private Practice and then Ugly Betty. I might get in to Vampire Diares if Amanda keeps DVRing them.
Friday night: Ghost Whisperer (but this is mostly because there's nothing else on)
So, is anyone else watching some of the same ones I am? Any suggestions for others? Really, isn't tv great? It's like free movies! Yay fall!


Rachel said...

Im with ya, I love tv! I dont have cable so Im having to deal with the dumb digital converter box. On Wednesdays I love So You Think You Can Dance and now Glee. Tonight it just the 3rd episode and you can watch the first 2 on for free. It has kind of some hokey lip syncing in it, but I think its hilarious.

aprilhoyt said...

I love Bones!! For wednesday Glee is great! I love it. (if you want to catch the back two or three episodes try And I gotta have the office!
how fun!!

NanaLinda said...

Isn't Modern Family on Wednesdays?