Friday, June 19, 2009

Thankful on a Friday ('cause Thursday slipped by me again...)

I just have to say that even though thursday is the technical "thankful" day, I'm pretty darn thankful for fridays too. I'm thankful (oh so much more than I can express) that I get to go home, put on my jammies, and, if I choose, not get up again until sunday morning. Oh, how very lovely a saturday with no responsibilities is. So what should I do tomorrow? Should I finish putting away my stuff from my trip? Should I have a massive laundry-fest? Should I go for a long walk and stop at every yard sale I see? Should I go for a joy ride out into the county and buy fresh home grown produce? Wow, I have so much I could do, but nothing I have to do. See why I'm thankful?


aprilhoyt said...

lol!! Sounds like Friday's are a good day!! Enjoy it!!