Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Meet Luther, Biggest Loser Assistant

So, I'd like you to meet my neighbor, Luther. The reason Luther is such a great friend (other than the fact that he's an adorable Golden Retriever!) is that Luther is helping me with my Biggest Loser Challenge. Yes, last week, during the Biggest Loser Finale, I decided I wanted to BE Ali, and so begins a hard and what I hope is successful journey! My plan of action? Take a friend, it tends to work better. Well, what better friend than a neighbor who likes to run and is never too busy for a quick workout? And I can't help but add that my surroundings don't make my goal difficult either (I mean, check out that beautiful green grass?!). The weather has been in the agreeable and jog-friendly low seventies. (And yes, Amanda, I DO jog) Hopefully, me and my friend can get a little healthier together! It's been a week, and what have I to report? (Drumroll please...) Five pounds!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Feeling Nostalgic

Okay, so I realize that I've had a bit of a blog drought for a while, but rest assured that the boys are out of the bath and doing just fine! It has been wonderful weather here in Lanaster PA so that might explain to you why I haven't been sitting down to a computer as much as I usually do. It's unusual for Lancaster to have so many sunny days all in a row, so one feels the need to rush out and be in it before it goes away and the skies turn gray again.
All this fine weather has made me feel a little nostalgic. I grew up in the valley of the sun and spent most of my time outdoors swimming or simply playing in the yard.

Of course, I don't miss the 100 degree weather, which I've been informed has already happened in Phoenix, but those sunny days with family and friends....ah...
Maybe the nostalgia is just the wish to be, if only or a moment, a carefree child again. Well, that's enough of that; back to being a responible adult now.